Press Release- Sutton Ready for General Election


Date: June 5, 2018
Location: Sioux Falls, SD
Issues: Elections

In response to the results of today's Republican primary, Senator Billie Sutton issued the following statement:

"In November we will have an opportunity to build a stronger South Dakota by finally solving challenges facing us in developing good jobs, health care, and education. But none of those challenges can be addressed until we clean up state government, where partisanship, back-room deals, and a culture of complacency prevent real progress.

This election presents the people of South Dakota with a clear choice. A choice between politics as usual and a new kind of leadership. Washington-style politics will only make our problems worse.

From the beginning of this campaign, I've pledged to be a different kind of leader. I will buck the status quo and put state government back on the side of the people. It's our time to build the stronger South Dakota that we all deserve."
